Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What are Soul Mates?

I have thought and studied about this through the past 15+ years to try to understand that connection some people have in our lives.

I have come to believe that there are different types of “soul mates” and this doesn’t always mean a romantic/sexual connection but, instead a very strong connection that pulls at the heart strings/at the center of the soul.

I have met so many people through my life. Some of the people have been just people who are there at the same place/same time and then, there are the *others* who have such a memorable affect that they have shaken the core of who I am. These are the people who have truly touched my soul. To me, these are “Soul Mates”.

To me, Soul Mates are people who come into our lives and who make a difference in the essence of who we are. They are the people who stay with us from the time we meet until the end when we pass on to the next dimension. Whether we are in actual physical contact with these people or not … they are always part of us because of the soul connection. These connections are felt on both sides even if not realized at the time.

I am going to reminisce on these memories and think on how many people I can come up with that I consider a “soul mate” or part of my “soul family”:
My Grandmother: Verna Williams … I truly believe the reason I came into the family I did was to be able to connect with this wonderful woman who made such an impact on my life.
My Aunt Marilyn Gay: who never gives up … perseverance is who she is
Mrs. Bratton … my 4th grade teacher
My Daddy … Patrick Ridens … who I remember with laughter and true jolliness
Alan … my brother who is now with me only in memory
Todd Liverman
Ricky Easley
Kelly Moore
Jennifer Chenhall
Sterling Steeber
Lynn Harms who is integral in the healing of my soul. He is my life’s reward.
Judy Gomez
Vic Salazar ... This is a new connection that I am waiting to see how it evolves.

I could list more but, wanted to hit the key people that are in the uppermost of what I consider my “soul family” and people who have, in the past, helped to create who I am now and who are with me now (in the physical or otherwise) who continue to watch me grow and evolve.

I am so blessed to have had these people in my life and for them to continue to resonate in so many ways!

1 comment:

  1. I never really gave a whole lot of thought to the term let alone consider that it could apply to more than one person. Thinking in terms of people who make a difference in *who we are* though, that is something I can apply to several people indeed. Thanks for sharing your passions Aunt Tami. I do hope I can help to fulfill a part of your life and you have definitely been someone I can identify with in a unique way because of the way we both came in to the same family. Love you! Thanks for being you!
