Sunday, April 11, 2010

Health Care Reform

I have been giving this topic so much thought in the past few weeks. These are my feelings in the changes going on in our country. This bill has been passed ... it's signed, sealed, delivered .... it's ours. So, now what do we do?

I have listened and heard the posts on Facebook in regards to this topic. Most have been irrational .. with joinings of different "FB groups" such as, "against Health Care Reform", etc. There are two people I know (on opposing sides) who have thoroughly researched their interests. These people are Dawn-Renee Mack (against this health care reform bill) and Laurie Gibson (for this health care reform bill). Both are highly educated people and are both very passionate about their government and what goes on.

If against this Health Care Reform Bill, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to wait the next few years until the new election and hope that any change of office will truly make a difference? Or, are you going to make a change now. If truly against this, start flooding your senators, congressmen/women and representatives with letters, emails, whatever. Have these letters and emails signed by as many people as you can find who shares your thoughts and interests ... your concerns. Make things happen now if this is truly distressing and frightening to and for you. YOU can make a difference and I'd truly like to see someone come up to the plate and actually do something they feel so passionate about.

If you agree with this Health Care Reform then find those who share this same sentiment and let your senators, congressmen/women and representatives know how you feel and that you support this action. Again, find those who agree and make a stand.

I personally feel Health Care Reform has been a long time coming and feel this is a beginning. I know this bill is flawed but, I also know that even in a year's time it will have changed so many times that it will be completely different. I am personally willing to wait and see how this resolves and how the American people help to fashion this into something that will truly work for the vast majority.

I have always felt we depend too much on a system that has been flawed for years. We, as a nation, have become a dependent people on "the system". We can't move or make a decision without insurance or pharmaceuticals involved. And, I know this doesn't help this situation. I am divided on how I feel about this Health Care Reform but, I still feel there is such a need for change that I am willing to wait this out and see how it evolves.

So, I guess now ... I just wait and see.

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